
Traduceti :Henry wanted to divorce Catherine and marry somebody else because he longed for a son, an heir to the throne of England. As England was a catholic country, he needed the consent of the Pope in Rome. But the Pope did not agree to Henry's divorce and this made him very angry. The king decided to make himself head of the Church of England and as soon as this happened he was free to divorce Catherine.
Soon, Henry married a young girl with black eyes and long, flowing hair. Her name was Anne Boleyn. She gave him a baby, but again it was a daughter, Elizabeth.
Henry got tired of Anne and of waiting for a son. He accused her of unfaithfulness and she was found guilty. In May 1536 Anne was beheaded and only eleven days later he married his third wife, Jane Seymour.
Jane was a plain, simple girl but Henry really loved her. She gave him the son he wanted so much. They called him Edward. Unfortunately, Jane fell ill and died leaving Henry heartbroken .

Răspuns :

Henric voia sa divorteze de Caterina si sa se casatoreasca cu altcineva deoarece  tanjea dupa un fiu, un mostenitor pentru tronul Angliei. Intrucat Anglia era o tara catolica, el avea nevoie de consimtamantul Papei de la Roma. Dar Papa nu a fost de acord cu divortul lui Henric, iar acesta s-a infuriat. Regele a hotarat sa se faca el insusi capul Bisericii Angliei si de indata ce aceasta s-a intamplat a putut sa divorteze de Caterina.
Curand, Henric s-a casatorit cu o fata tanara cu ochi negri si cu par lung, frumos. Numele ei era Ana Boleyn. Ea i-a daruit un copil, dar din nou acesta era o fata, Elisabeta.
Henry s-a plictisit de Ana si de asteptarea unui fiu. A acuzat-o de infidelitate si a fost gasita vinovata. In mai 1536 Ana a fost decapitata si doar dupa 11 zile el s-a casatorit cu cea de-a treia sotie, Jane Seymour.
Jane era o fata cinstita si simpla, dar Henric a iubit-o cu adevarat. Ea i-a daruit fiul pe care el il dorea atat de mult. L-au numit Eduard. Din pacate, Jane s-a imbolnavit si a murit lasandu-l pe Henric cu inima franta.