
Traduceti in engleza eseul:
Mie imi place mult scoala, deoarece ea ma foarte multe lucruri frumoase si importante.Este necesar sa ma duc la scoala ca sa invat si sa am un viitor stralucit. Daca nu ma voi duce la scoala nu voi putea invata si nu voi avea viitorul pe care mi-l doresc.

Răspuns :

I like school much because she beautiful and I very much importante.Este need to go to school to learn and to have a bright future. If I go to school I can not teach and will not have the future that I want. 
I like school very much,because she teach me a lot of beautiful and important things. It's necessary go to school to learn to have an amazing future. If i don't go to school i will can't learn and i will not have the future i wish.