
Traduceți în romană:
Heart Line
If you have a long strong heart line, this means that you will be lucky în love and that you will have a very happy marriage. A broken line doesn't mwan that you will be unlucky in love. It shows that you will have a lot of friends in your life. You may also get married more than once. A short or weak line means that you may find it difficult to make friends, but that when you do they will always be very good friends.

Răspuns :

Linia inimii.
Daca aveti o linie a inima lunga si bine marcata, inseamna ca veti avea noroc in dragoste si veti avea o casnicie fericita. O linie intrerupta nu inseamna ca nu veti avea noroc in dragoste. Inseamna ca veti avea foarte multi prieteni. Probabil va veti casatori mai des decat o data. O linie scurta si slab marcata inseamna ca pentru dv. e greu sa va faceti prieteni, dar cand ii veti avea, veti fi prieteni buni pentru totdeauna.