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Antonia este o cantareata romanca, in varsta de 26 de ani. Este castatorita cu Alex Velea, care este un cantaret deasemenea. Are doi copii, o fetita pe nume Maya si un baiat numit Dominic. Antonia imi place pentru ca are o voce frumoasa.

Răspuns :

Antonia is a romanian singer,She is 26 Years old.She is married with Alex Velea. He is a singer, also. She have 2 childrens, a girl called Maya and a boy called Dominic. I like Antonia because She have a beautiful voice
Antonia is a Romanian singer, she is twenty two years old. She is married with Alex Velea , he is a singer . She have two children, a girl Maya and a boy Dominic. I like Antonia because she have a beautiful voice