
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in engleza,va rog frumos!
1)In decurs de 2 ani de la aparitia sa in primul film,Charlie Chapin a devenit unul dintre cele mai indragite personalitati din America.
2)A scapat o ceasca de cafea pe covor si l-a patat .Ce pacat!
3)Andy a pasit in casa si-a trantit usa in urma lui.
4)Cand l-ai vazut pe Pitter ultima oara?
5)De indata ce a coborat din tren,Margareta si-a sunat parintii sa vina sa o ia.
6)Am condus 12 ore in sir ;sigur ca sunt obosit.

Răspuns :

1) Within two years of its appearance in the first film, Charlie Chapin became one of the most popular personalities in America. 2) she/he dropped a cup of coffee on the carpet and stained .What a shame! 3) Andy stepped into the house and slammed the door behind him 4) When was the last time you saw Pitter 5) Once he descended from the train, Margarita and he called his parents to come and take 6) I drove 12 hours string; I must be tired Coroana?
1) Within two years since he appeared in the first film, Charlie Chapin became one of the most popular personalities of America.
2) He dropped a cup of coffee on the carpet and stained it .What a shame!
3) Andy stepped into the house and slammed the door behind him
4) When have you seen Pitter last time ?
5) As soon as he descended from the train, M. phoned her parents to come and get her
6) I drove for 12 hours at once; I'm sure tired.