
alcatuieste o compunere despre ce ati facut sambata trecuta

Răspuns :

era o zi foarte frumoasa !    cind mam trezit am opservat ca este un pic de zapada.  am vrut sa plec cu prietenul meu la joaca,dar mama nu ma lasat,findca era foarte frig afara .     eram foarte trist cind am auzit ce a ziz mama,dar am luat o carte si am inceput sa o citesc.   apoi mam jucat la calculator , nu mam jucat mult un pic pentru ca mama numi permetea sa stau mult cu ochii la calculator  ...                        asta ete tot daca vrei poti adauga  inchierea     nu uita sa pui    multumesc!

It was a beautiful day!Me and my cousins went outside.We got the sleigh and went on the street!There was a lot of snow but very sunny.With the sleigh we pulled each other and sometimes we fell of but we didn't give up!Then we made snowballs and got ourselves to cover so we could start a snowball fight!Then we made a snowman:his eyes were made of grapes,his nose was made out of a carrot,and had a hat!Then we left.It was almost evening.We got in the house very tyred and hungry!I love winter! Cu plăcere!!