
Use the verbs in parentheses in the correct tense and form.
A. When Nelly (call) us in the morning she (cry). I (ask) her what (happen) but she (not want) to tell us anything.
She just (say) she (be) sorry for how she (behave) with her best friend. I (suggest) that she should call
her friend and (apologize) for her behavior. But she (answer) she (be sure) her friend (not accept) her apologies.
I (not know) how else I (can) help her. So I (tell) her I (call) at her place as soon as possible and we (try)
to solve the matter. She (thank) me and said she (wait) for me at the bus station. I (look) forward (help) her in
the best way possible.

Răspuns :



Use the verbs in parentheses in the correct tense and form.

Folosiţi verbele din paranteze la timpul şi forma lor corectă.



A. When Nelly called us in the morning she was crying. I asked her what had happened but she didn't want to tell us anything.

She just said she was sorry for how she had behaved with her best friend. I suggested that she should call  her friend and apologize for her behavior. But she answered she was sure her friend would not accept her apologies.

I didn't know how else I could help her. So I told her I would call at her place as soon as possible and we would try to solve the matter. She thanked me and said she would wait for me at the bus station.

I am looking forward to helping her in  the best way possible.


Observaţii: trebuie să fim atenţi la concordanţa timpurilor, în special când avem verbe la trecut în propoziţia principală.

A. Când ne-a sunat Nelly dimineaţa, plânga. Am întrebat-o ce s-a întâmplat, dar nu a vrut să ne spună nimic.

A zis doar că regretă modul în care s-a purtat cu prietena ei cea mai bună. I-am sugerat să o sune pe prietena ei sp să-şi ceară scuze pentru comportamentul ei. Dar ea a răspuns că era sigură că prietena ei nu-i va accepta scuzele.

Nu ştiam cum altfel puteam să o ajut. Aşa că i-am spus că voi trece pe la ea cât de curând posibil şi vom încerca să rezolvăm chestiunea. Mi-a mulţumit şi mi-a zis că mă va aştepta în staţia de autobuz.

Abia aştept să o ajut în cel mai bun mod posibil.