
Buna ! Imi puteti traduce asta in romana ?
it looks like any building
When you pass it on the street
Made of stone and glass and marble,
Made of iron and concrete .

But once inside you can ride
A camel or a train ,
Visit Rome , Siam or Nome
Feel a hurricane ,
Meet a king , learn to sing ,
How to bake a pie,
Go to sea , plant a tree,
Find how airplanes fly ,
Train a horse and of course
Have all the dogs you'd like ,
See the moon , a sandy dune ,
Or catch a whopping pike .
Everything that books can bring
You'll fill inside those walls.
A world is there for you to share
When adventure calls .
You cannot tell its magic
By the way the building looks ,
But there's wonderment within it ,
The wonderment of books .

Răspuns :

Pare o cladire obijnuita Cand treci pe stada Facuta din piatra si sticla si marmura, Facuta din fier si beton. Dar , de indata ce te afli pe ea poti merge cu o camila sau un tern. Sa vizitezi Roma, tailanda sau .... Sa simti uraganul, Sa intalnesti un rege, sa inveti sa canti, Cum sa coci o placinta Mergi la mare, planteaza un copac, Descopera cum zboara avionele, Antreneaza un cal si bineinteles, Sa Ai toti cainii pe care ii doresti Priveste luna, o duna de nisip, Sau ptinde bariera. Tot ceea ce iti pot aduce cartile Vei umple acei pereti, O lume te asteapta acolo s o imparti/ descoperi Cand te chiama aventurile. Nu i poti spune magia A felului in care arata cladirea. Dar este uimitor, Uimirea cartilor.