
Imi scrieti si mie urmatoarele enunturi in engleza ?
1) Toti membrii familiei Buket mureau de fome si de fig .
2) Charlie devenea din ce in ce mai slab pentu ca nu avea ce sa manance .
3) Intr-o zi el a cazit o bagnota de 2 dolari pe strada si si-a cumpartat doua ciocolate.
4)Dupa ce a mancat a II a ciocolata a gasit un bilet auriu .
5)Pentu ca a fost foarte feicit bunicul Joe s-a dat jos din pat si s-a hotart sa il insoteaca pe Charlie .
Dau 35 puncte

Răspuns :

1. All the members of the Bucket family died by hunger and cold.
2. Charlie was getting moret and more thinner, because he didn't have anything to eat.
3. One day he found two dollars on the street and bought two chocolates.
4. After eating the second chocolate he found a golden ticket.
5. Because he was very happy grandpa Joe get off the bed and decided to go toghether with Charlie.