
Translate into Enghlish uramatoarele propozitii:
1.L-am vazut pe tatal tau intr-un magazin saptamana trecuta.
2.Nu te-am vazut la şcoala ieri.
3.îl vad la restaurant seara pe prietenul tau.
4. Mi-ai trimis cartile acum 2 zile sau ieri?
5.George tocmai si-a spart telefonul.
6.Unchiul ei deja si-a vandut telefonul.
7.Soarele a stralucit toata ziua,ieri.
8.Andreea a inchis usa acum 5 minute,te rog sa n-o deranjati!
9.Cristina a cantat la nunta Mariei,anul trecut.
10.Au cantat Bogdan si cu Razvan la petrecerea lui Matei noaptea trecuta.
11.Madalina a dormit la prietena ei Ioana,saptamana trecuta
12.Parinti lor n-au dormit acasa ieri
13.Am vorbit cu doamna de romana sa mergem la biblioteca Antiv Vinaru de la Valcea in saptamana aceasta.
14.Cati bani a cheltuit Miruna luna trecuta.

Răspuns :

1.I saw your father in a store last wek.
2.I have not seen at school yesterday.
3.I see your boyfriend at the rastaurant tonight.
4.Books you sent me two days ago or yesterday?
5.George has just broken phone.
6.Her uncle has already sold phone.
7.The sun shone all day yesterday.
8.Andrew closed the door five minutes ago,please do not disturb.
9.Cristina sang at the wedding of Mary,last year.
10.Bogdan and Razvan sang with Matthew last night's party.
11.Madalina slept at her friend last week Ioana.
12.Their parents have not slept at home yesterday.
13.I talked to the lady to go to the library remain ''Antiv Vinaru''from Valcea in this week.
14.How much money it spent last month Miruna?

Sper sa iti fie de folos!Succes!:))