
Traducere in romana corecta: 1. Contrary to common belief, the Great Wall of China cannot be seen from space with the naked eye. It can be seen with aid.

2. As early as the Qin Dynasty (221-207BC) when building the Great Wall, glutinous rice flour was used in making the binding material to bind the bricks.

3 .The sections of the Great Wall that we mostly associate with The Great Wall of China were built by the Ming Dynasty. This was the last part of the wall that was built and has been made with brick and features many tall watch-towers.

4. The Great Wall of China has been called the longest cemetery on Earth. Over a million people died building the Wall and archaeologists have found human remains buried under parts of the wall.

5. Although the official number of the length of the Great Wall is 8851.8 kilometers (5500 miles), the length of all the Great Wall built over thousands of years is estimated at 21,196.18 kilometers (13,170 miles). The circumference of the Equator is 40,075 kilometers (24,901 miles).

6 . The Great Wall of China is threatened with erosion. The northwestern sections (e.g. in Gansu and Ningxia provinces) of the Great Wall are deteriorating so quickly. It is believed that these sections may disappear within 20 years, due to demolishment by nature and human.

7. Over 10 million people visit the Great Wall of China every year. The most famous section of the Great Wall-Badaling, had been visited by over 300 heads of state and VIPs from around the world, the first of which was Soviet. But it is also the busiest section of wall which is restored. If you are a hiker who like to see the real unspoiled Great Wall which is off the beaten path, we don’t suggest you go there.

8. During the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), many bricks of the Great Wall were taken away to use in building homes, farms or reservoirs. Otherwise many sections of the Great Wall would be preserved much better than what they are like today.

9. The Great Wall is wide enough in some places to drive a car over it.

10 . The most well known of all of the legends of The Great Wall of China is the story of "Men Jiangnu’s Bitter Weeping" whose husband died building the wall. Her weeping was so bitter that a section of the wall collapsed, revealing her husband’s bones so she could bury them.

Răspuns :

1.In contrariul a ce credem, marele Zid Chinezesc nu poate fi vazut din spatiu cu ochiul liber.Poate fi vazut cu ajutor.
2.La fel de devreme pe cat Qin Dynasty (221-207BC) construia Marele Zid,faina de grau lipicioasa era contopita pentru a face legaturile intre caramizi.
3.Sectiunile Marelui Zid erau foarte asociate cu Marele Zid Chinezesc,care a fost construit de Ming Dynasty.Aceasta a fost ultima parte din Zid care a fost construita din caramida si cu multe turnuri inalte pentru supravegheat.
4.Marele Zid Chinezesc a fost considerat cel mai mare cimitir de pe Pamant.Mai mult de un milion de oameni au murit construind Zidul, iar arheologii spun ca au gasit parti din corpul omenesc uzate, ascunse in parti din zid.
5.Desi numarul oficial de lungime al zidului este de 8851.8 kilometri (5500 mile),lungimea intreaga a Marelui Zid construit in mai mult de o mie de ani,este estimata la 21,196.18 kilometri (13,170 mile) .Circumferinta Ecuatorului este de 40,075 kilometri (24,901 mile).
6.Marele Zid este amenintat de eroziune.Sectiunile Nord-Vestice (e.g. in orasele Gansu si Ningxia) se deterioreaza foarte repede.Se crede ca aceste sectiuni vor disparea in mai putin de 20 ani, din cauza demolarilor produse de natura si om.
7.Mai mult de 10 milioane de oameni viziteaza Marele Zid Chinezesc in fiecare an.Cea mai faimoasa sectiune a Marelui Zid - Badaling, a fost vizitata de peste 300 de sefi de stat si VIP-uri din toata lumea, primii fiind sovietici.Dar in acelasi timp si cea mai ocupata sectiune din Zid care este restaurata.Daca esti un excursionist si iti place sa vezi adevaratul Zid Chinezesc nealterat, care nu este partea batuta, va sugeram sa nu mergeti.
8.Pe parcursul Revolutiei Culturale (1966-1976), multe caramizi din Zid au fost luate pentru a construi case,ferme sau rezervoare.In caz contrar multe sectiuni din Marele Zid ar fi fost pastrate mai bine decat sunt in zilele de azi.
9.Marele Zid Chinezesc este destul de lat in unele locuri incat sa conduci o masina.
10.Cea mai cunoscuta legenda a Marelui Zid Chinezesc este povestea lui "Plansul amar al barbatului Jiangnu" a carui sot a murit in timpul construirii zidului.Plansul ei a fost asa de amar incat sectiunea aceea s-a prabusit, dezvaluind astfel oasele sotului ei incat ea va putea sa le ingroape.