
You have a friend who has just broken up with his/her boy/girlfriend. Your final remark is Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. Write
an opinion essay expanding on the quote. Write your essay in 180 - 200 words

Tu ai un prieten care doar ce s-a despartit de de a lui , a ei prieten ,prietena.
Tu remarci in final ca nu plange fiind ca s-a terminat , ci zambeste pentru ca s-a intamplat. Scrie un eseu de opinie in care sa extinzi fapta. Eseul tau trebuie sa fie intre 180 - 200 de cuvinte.

Opinia voastra

Răspuns :

If you ask me, you should never be sorry for your life decisions.
On one hand,as you told me so many times, you two had a great time together. He/She was your best friend,you shared memories together and the most important thing, you loved each other. No matter how hard the situation was,you supported each other and you got through anything.
On the other hand,do you remember when some people tried to unravel your relationship, but they couldn't do it because you were too strong? That is something you should never forget.
In conclusion, you should follow my advice. Don't cry because it's over,smile because it happened.

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