
DAU COROANA .REPEDE traducetimi enunturile:
1.Before the fire-engines arrived the fire hand destroyed the house.
2.I had already got home before is began to rain.
3.When we arrived at the cinema ,the film had started/
4.Richard had eaten all the cakes before Fred arrived home.
5.The play had started when we got to the theatre.
6.The elephants had had their bath,when we arrived at the zoo.
7.I looked for Bob but hed left the building.
8.The tennis player jumped for joy when she had won the game.

Răspuns :

1) Inainte ca masinile de pompieri sa soseasca focul distrusese deja casa
2) Ajunsesem deja acasa inainte sa inceapa sa ploua
3) Cand am ajuns la cinema filmul incepuse deja
4) Richard mancase toate prajiturile inainte ca Fred sa ajunga acasa
5) Piesa incepuse inainte sa ajungem la teatru
6) Elefantilor li se facusera deja baie cand am ajuns la zoo
7) L-am cautat pe Bob dar deja iesise din cladire
8) Jucatoarea de tenis a sarit de bucurie cand a castigat meciul