
Am nevoie de traducere in engleza ! Multumesc . Si daca puteti sa imi scrieti dupa si cum se citeste .

In prima zi de gradinita imi aduc aminte cum ma tinea de mana si ma ducea la gradinita . Iar cand a venit mama sa ma ia acasa la poarta ma astepta bunica mea . Avea in mana un ursulet frumos si mic , nou de culoare maro dintr-un material moale . Acest ursulet a fost langa mine cand am invatat sa fac primele litere si de fiecare data cand il vad imi aduc aminte de acea zi frumoasa in care l-am primit de la cea mai importanta persoana din viata mea .

Răspuns :

On the first day of kindergarten I remember how I was holding my hand and went to kindergarten. And when my mother came to take me home my grandmother was waiting at the gate . He was holding a teddy nice and small new brown color of a soft material . This bear was next to me when I learned to make the first letters and every time I see him I remember that beautiful day when I received the most important person in my life.
On the first day of kindergarten I remember how I was holding my hand and went to kindergarten, and when my mother came to take me home my grandmother was waiting at the gate . He was holding a small teddy bear and beautiful new brown color of a soft material . This bear was next to me when I learned to make the first letters and every time I see him I remember that beautiful day when I received the most important person in my life.