
Va rog sa imi traduceti urmatoarele propozitii:
1. Voi termina anul scolar cu note bune.
2. Poti sa ma suni mai tarziu.
3. Bunicul putea sa alerge foarte mult cand era tanar.
4. Este posibil sa o cunosti.
5. Ai voie sa iesi in oras in weekend.
6. Eu pot sa vorbesc doua limbi straine.
7. Eu nu mai pot sa inot foarte bine, dar puteam sa inot cand eram copil.
8. Promit sa te ascult mai mult.
9. Ai voie sa participi la aceasta ora.
10. Ai voie sa il vizitezi de fiecare data cand vrei.
Va rog frumos sa ma ajutati repede

Răspuns :

1. I will finish the school year with good grades . 2. Can you call me later. 3. Grandfather able to run a lot when he was young . 4. Is it possible to know . 5. You are allowed to go out on weekends. 6. I can speak two languages ​​. 7. I can not swim very well, but I could swim when I was a kid . 8. I promise to listen more. 9. You are allowed to participate at this time . 10. You are allowed to visit it every time you want . That please help me quickly
1. I'll graduate the school year with good results.
2. You can call me later.
3. Grandpa could run very much when he was young.
4. You might know her.
5. You may go to town in weekend.
6. I cannot speak two foreign languages.
7. I cannot swim well, but I could swim when I was a child.
8. I promise to listen more.
9. You are allowed to attend this class.
10. You are allowed to visit him whenever you want to.