
Write a letter to the magazine giving your opinion of the people in the article. Va rogg dau coroana+30 de puncte

Răspuns :

Dear writters,
I'm a big fan of your magazine and I really want to give you my opinion about it. I saw, in your last article, that you were talking about an succesful actress. I like very much. Me and my family watch every single movie or series with her on the TV. I apreciate that you were talking just good things about her. On the other hand, I saw a nice photoshoot with a male model in one of your articles and I can say that you're taking very good photos. I like them. Last week, I rad an artcle in your magazine about queen Elizabeth II. It was done very well. I can say that I rad it with so much enthusiasm bacause I never rad something about Queen before that.
In conclusion, you choose just important people to talk about in your magazine and I like it. Good luck to find more beautiful articles!