
Match the problems to their effects and their solutions. Then in pairs discuss, as in the example.

(Deci sunt rezolvate voi doar trebuie sa explicati o problema care vreti voi , o sa va dau si exemplul jos)

A. Global warming - Effects. change in world's climate-ocean levels rising-extreme weather conditions. - Solutions. reduce use of aerosols.Use alternative sources of energy.

B. Pollution - Effects. very poor air quality in cities-rivers and lakes full of industrial waste. - Solutions. reduce gases emitted from factories. Use public transport instead of cars.

C. Hunting/Overfishing - Effects. many animals and fish wiped out. - Solutions. Have stricter laws and harsher punishments for illegal hunting and fishing.

D. Deforestation - Effects. destruction of the rainforest. - Solutions. encourage countries to control the number of trees that are cut down.

Si acum exemplul:

A: What is the effect of global warming?
B: Gobal warming is causing a change in the world's climate. Ocean levels are rising and we are seeing more extreme weather conditions. We need to do something before it's too late.
A: What can we do?
B: We could reduce the use of aerosols. We could also use alternative sources of energy. etc.

GATA Acum am nevoie de o explicatie la fel ca acest exemplu . sau cum stiti voi. poate sa fie si in romana.

Răspuns :

Fumatul nu este bun pentru plămânii noştrii . Nicotina din ţigări poate cauza boli grave omului cum ar fi : cancer pulmonar, schimbarea vocii sau cancer la gât.

De ce nu este fumatul bun?
Ce boli poti face?
Din ce sunt făcute ţigările?