
tradu în engleză urmatorul text(repede vă rog dau coroană!):era patru dimineata, si navigam pe coasta de sud a africii, cand baiatul de paza a strigat ca vede o nava apropiinduse. Am iesit repede din cabina mea, dar nava nu mai era acolo. Mi-am dat seama ca este vorba despre celebrul vas fantoma olandezul care zboara. Acesta bantuie aceste ape de cand capitanul Van der Decken a murit.

Răspuns :

It was four in the morning , and sail ond the southern coast of Africa when the boy cried because he sees a close unto the ship. I quickly went from my cabin, but the ship was not there. I realized that it was the famous Dutchman ghost ship that haunts these waters that flies. It haunts those of the Captain Van der Decken died.