
Trebuie sa fac un eseu de opinie cu titlul ,,study the past if you would define the future".M-ar putea ajuta cineva?

Răspuns :

The most beautiful years of school.Each rather or later step threshold school filled with emotions and wish bunches of flowers.The first sound is a highly anticipated celebration;kindcome in wish a smile ,with flowers to give from the heart of the first teacher,the first tep along with the teacher in class,the first primer,knowledge...The biggest eager come with a smile on my face to see her classmates,teacher and to acquire more knowledge.It's always a sound first beautiful day with plently of memory ,which you had your chidren stories.School in important and has a huge gap in human life.

sper ca team ajutat
I think that knowing and understanding the past is a very important step in building a strong and meaningful future. It is essential to study the past in order to avoid making the same mistakes in the future. Unfortunately not many people understand the mistakes made in the past and in this way they are prone to repeat them. In conclusion, we have to examine carefully the past if we want to have a better future.