
Va rog traduce-ti-mi dialogul in engleza.E urgeeent .merci mult
"Omul a contribuit la disparitia unor specii prin pescuitul excesiv al mamiferelor marine si vanatoarea mamiferelor.El taie padurile,polueaza apele si si folosesc blana rara pentru imbracaminte
-Oamenii reprezinta singurul motiv al speciilor pe cale de disparitie?
-Nu. Unul dintre alte motive il reprezinta si poluarea.Poluarea apei si aerului datorita subtantelor toxice ,poluarea solului datorita gropilor de gunoi.
-Crezi ca pentru mediul inconjurator este bine sa dispara atatea specii?
-Nu. In secolul nostru multi oameni sunt indiferenti de protejarea animalelor.Nu tin cont ca ele sun o parte din viata noastra fara ela viata si natura ar fi un pustiu.Animalele sunt hrana noastra ele ajuta natura produc ingrasamintele necesare plantelor.
-Cum putem sa protejam aceste specii?
-Oamenii trebuie sa fie mai responsabili.Sa numai pouleze mediul inconjurator.Sa renunte la vanatul si pescuit in exces.Noi trebuie sa projtem intreaga natura pentru ca in ultimele deceni au inceput sa dispara foarte multe specii
-multumesc mult pentru interviul acordat
-a fost placerea mea."

Răspuns :

By excessively fishing and hunting ,the man took part to the extinction of some species the marine mammals.He cuts down the wood,pollutes the waters and uses the rare animal furs for clothing.
-Is the man the only reason for the extinction of certain species?
-No,pollution is also one of the reasons.Water and air pollution due to toxic substances,soil pollution due to waste pits.
-Do you think that so many species are disappearing it's good for the environment?
-No.In our century many people don't care about protecting the animals.They don't realise that the animals are part of our life and without  them ,life and nature would be deserted.The animals are our food,they help the nature by producing the manure necessary for the plants.
-How can we protect these species?
People need to be more responsible and stop polluting the environment ,give up excessive hunting and fishing.We have to protect the whole nature ,because in the last decades many species started to disappear.
-Thank you for the interview
-It was my pleasure
"The human contribued to the extinction of some species through fishing and hunting. He cuts the forests, poluates the waters and he uses rare fur as clothing.

-The humans are the single reason of extinction?

-No. One of the other reasons is also pollution. The pollution of water and air from the toxic substances, the pollution of the ground from the garbage pits...

-Do you it's good for the surroundings that so many species dissapear?

-No. In our century, many people are indiferent of animal protection. They don't care they're part of our lives, without them life and nature would be lonely.
The animals are our food and they help the nature, produce the fertilizer for plants...

-How can we help protect this species?

-The humans have to be more responsible. They have to stop polluting the world. They have to give up on excessive hunting and fishing. We need to protect the nature because in the last decades many species of animals went extinct.

-Thank you for the interview.

-It was my pleasure."