
Imi poate traduce cineva acest text in engleza?: Viitorul imaginat de lume:Viitorul, lumea minunata unde totul zboara, totul se incarca, si totul se programeaza,lumea perfecta unde vom manca mancare facuta de roboti programati sa faca asta.Unde masinile isi vor lua zborul si vor face totul singure.Lumea v-a cumpara numai online, numai cu ajutorul telefonului si al aparatelor care vor aparea.Noi v-a trebuii doar sa stam si sa privim munca facuta de masinarii si de electricitate.Asa facand o lume minunata

Răspuns :

the future imagined by the world: the future, the wonderful world where everything flies, everything charges and everything is programmed, the perfect world where we will eat food made by robots programmed to do this. where cars will fly away and will do everything by themselves. the world will only buy online, only with the help of the mobile phone and the devices that will appear. we will just have to sit and watch the work done by the machines and by the electricity. this way making a wonderful world