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Food Allergies
"No thanks" , you reply to your friend , who has just offered you a bite of their delicious almond cake.It's not that you're on diet, but you know that even the smallest piece of cake can make you feel ill because you're allergic to nuts!
For someone with a food allergy, certain foods can cause symtomps, such as a runny nouse, itchy skin, swollen lips and eyes or rush.
Why are some people allergic to foods though , and others are not? The reason is that our immune system that helps to protect us from germs and diseases sometimes makes mistakes. If you have a food allergy , it is often beacuse your immune system believes that a specific type of food may harm you. It then tries to free your body of yhe danger.
There is no partiular medicine that can stop you having food allergies. Some of them simply go away as you get older, while others stay with you forever. The best advice is to avoid the food you think causes the problem and always check the labels on food before you buy it.

Răspuns :

Alergii alimentare
"Nu, multumesc"" ii raspunzi unui prieten care tocmai ti-a oferit sa iei o muscatura din prajitura delicioasa cu migdale. Nu pentru ca esti la regin, ci pentru ca stii ca si cea mai mica bucatica de prajitura te va imbolnavi deoarece esti alergic la nuci!
Pentru cineva cu alergii alimentare, unele mancari pot produce unele simptome cum ar fi un nas care curge, mancarimi de piele, buze si pleoape umflate sau spuzeala/iritatii.
De ce unii oameni sunt alergici la alimente, iar altii nu sunt? Motivul este ca sistemul nostru imunitar care ne ajuta sa fim protejati de microbi si boli, uneori face greseli. Daca ai o alergie alimentara, se intampla pentru ca sistemul imunitar crede ca un anumit aliment poate sa-ti faca rau. Atunci el incearca sa elibereze organismul de primejdie.
Nu exista un medicament special care sa-ti opreasca alergiile alimentare. Unele dintre ele dispar pur si simplu pe masura ce imbatranesti, in timp ce altele iti raman pentru totdeauna. Cel mai bun sfat este sa eviti alimentele care crezi ca-ti fac probleme si intotdeauna sa verifici etichetele alimentelor inainte sa le cumperi.