
traduceti in romana; Icome Belo Horizonte in Brazil .I'm studyng english in Edinburgh and i've also got a part time job as a waitres in a cafe near the university i like nEdinburgh in spite of feeling a little homesick now and again .
it has a sense of history and the people are friendlier than English people ,but i sometimes find the Scottish accent quite difficult to understand.

Răspuns :

Eu vin din Belo Horizonte din Brazilia.Studiez engleza in Edinburgh si am de asemenea un job cu jumatate de normă ca şi chelneriţă intr-o cafenea lângă universitate. Imi place Edinburgh in ciuda faptului că uneori mi se face puţin  dor de casă.Inca din istorie se stie că aceşti oameni sunt mai ospitalieri decât englezii, dar uneori găsesc accentul scoţian puţin dificil de înţeles. C;
Coroană? ;3
I come from Belo Horizonte in Brazil. I’m studying English in Edinburgh and I’ve also got a part-time job as a waitress in a café near the university. I like Edinburgh in spite of feeling a little homesick now and again. It has a sense of history and the people are friendlier than English people, but I sometimes find the Scottish accent quite difficult to understand.

Sunt din Belo Horizonte, Brazilia. Studiez engleza la Edinburg si am obtinut un post cu norma incompleta ca si chelnerita intr-o cafenea langa universitate. Imi place Edinburg in pofida faptului ca simt un dor de casa din cand in cand. Orasul are un simt al istoriei si oamenii sunt mai prietenosi decat englezii, dar uneori accentul scotian mi se pare cam dificil de inteles.