
Puteți să traduceți următoarele propoziții, în engleză?Vă rog foarte,foarte frumos...:

1.Câte pisici ai?
2.Un kilogram de morcovi,vă rog!
3.Un litru de apă,vă rog!
4.Cât orez vrei?
5. Un kilogram de cartofi,vă rog!
6.Câtă cola bei?
7.Câți frați ai?
8.O pungă de chipsuri,vă rog!
9.Cât unlei vrei?
10.O bucată de șuncă,vă rog!

Răspuns :

How many cats do you have?
I would like a kilo of carrots,please!
I would like a litre of water,please!
How much rice do you want?
I would like a kilo of potatoes,please!
How much Coke to you drink?
How many brothers do you have?
A packet of chips/crisps,please!
How much oil would you like?
A piece of ham,please!
1. How many cats do you have?
  2. A kilogram of carrots, please!
  3. A liter of water, please!
  4 How much rice you want?
  5. A kilogram of potatoes, please!
  6. How much cola drink?
  7. How many brothers do you have?
  8. A bag of crisps, please!
  9. How do any unusual?
  10. A piece of bacon, please!