
Traducere romana engleza textul:Lunea trecuta am ajuns acasa.Am avut de scris niste exercitii.Dupa aceea m-am plimbat prin parc.Acolo am vazut oameni care alergau.M-am simtit foarte fericit.Cand am ajuns acasa am spus mamei cat de bine m-am simtit.

Răspuns :

Last month i arrive at home. I have write some exercises. Then i walk in park. There i see people running. I felt happy. When i arrive at home i told mother how well i felt.
Last Monday I arrived at home.I had writing some exercise.AWhen I got home I told my mother how good I felt .fter that I walked through the park.There i saw peoples who ran.I am felt very happy. When I arrived home I saw  my mother how good I felt .