
O expeditie la cumparaturi. Compunere

Răspuns :

Today, me and my friend, tooked  the bus and went downtown, to do some shopping. Ofcourse, it has been a lovely day, because we did what we love the most: going through our favourites shops, looking to find the best outfit for a trip to the mountins, that we are going to do with our classmates.So, we were looking for clothes, that were suitable for this trip, in case we had to climb a mountin. This, was a good reason, for me to use , for going shopping, because I like it very much.        traducere:  Astazi, eu si pritena mea, am luat autobuzul si  am mers in centru, pentru a face niste cumparaturi. Bineinteles, a fost o zi minunata, bentru k am facut ce iubim mai mult:mergand prin magazinele preferate, cautand o tinuta pentru o excursie la munte, pe care o vom face cu clasa.Asa ca, am cautat haine potrivite pentru aceasta excursie, in caz ca trebuia sa mergem pe munte. Acesta, a fost un motiv bun pentru mine sa  l folosesc, pt a merge la cumparaturi, pt k-mi place f.mult.