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Residential buildings are responsible for consuming 27% of the total amount of energy consumed within Europe and are the biggest source of global warming in the world. This is the fact that has, until recently been overlooked by law-makers trying to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, who have concentrated their efforts on industry and transport. The EU now issued a new directive which intends to cut carbon dioxide emissions from buildings by 45 million tons before the next year. This means that each of us can now save the planet from the comfort of our own homes.

The first things we can do are simple and easy. We can block up draughts, switch of unnecessary lights and make sure taps are not left running. The next step requires more planning and some expense, but as well as saving energy, we will also save on bills.

Many homes have loft insulation, but it is rarely enough. Most insulation is 100 mm thick, but to be truly effective the recommended thickness is 200-300 mm. Full insulation can have a dramatic effect on energy consumption. It can save up to 25 percent on your heating bills. A variety of materials are available, but one of the most environmentally friendly is cellulose in the form of compressed recycled newsprint which has been fireproofed.
We should use energy efficient light bulbs. These are usually expensive to buy but consume less than half the energy of standard bulb. Also, these light bulbs last much longer than conventional light bulbs, reducing the consumption of resources.
We can install a ‘grey’ water recycling system. At present water used to flush the toilets is of the same drinkable quality that comes out of the taps. This is an unnecessary waste of energy used in water purification. A grey water recycling system cleans water that has been used for washing and sends it through the toilet system reducing the use of clean drinking water.
New buildings can incorporate much more energy saving features in their design. They can have extensive insulation, triple glassing, a non-polluting heating system and even a turf roof. However, it is how we deal with our present homes that will determine housing’s contribution to global warming. It’s down to each and every one of us,so get insulating!

Răspuns :

Cladirile rezidentiale sunt responsabile pentru consumul de 27% din cantitatea totala de energie consumata în Europa si este cea mai mare sursa de încalzire globala din lume .Acest fapt a fost trecut cu vederea de law -markers-uri încercand sa reduca emiterile de gaze din sera care sau concentrat pe eforturile lor bazate pe industrie si transport .

(îmi cer scuze dar de aici în colo nu mai pot traduce deoarece de la începutul textului acesta era cu mult trecut pete nivelul meu ,totusi sunt doar în clasa a sasea si atatea date ma încurca si mai sunt si multi termeni de care am auzit si stiu sa îi traduc dar în mod ciudat în romaina nu stiu sa le dau vre un sinonim .