
Descrie in 20 randuri stilul tau de imbracaminte favorit(IN ENGLEZA)

Răspuns :

My favourite style of clothing is casual, because it is the most comfortable way to dress. I find it the easiest way to combine clothes, because every T-shirt I own goes with a pair of jeans, in which I always feel comfortable. It is also the most adopted style by many young people, we always dress casually for everyday activities, like going to school or to a meditation. Knowing I have quite an active life and I am an avid person, I tend to always choose the clothes I feel best in because they allow me to do all kinds of movements and don't become troublesome after the 6 or 7 hours spent at school or outside. Also, in my opinion, how will people who are constantly elegantly dressed surprise anyone? I choose a rather minimal combination of colours or accessories for an everyday activity, so when I am supposed to wear a formal costume I make an unexpected appearance.