La prima:
Where the vikings came from-from Scandinavia
What their most famous vayage was-Across the Atlantic
When it happend-1000AD
Where they landed-On the North American coast
La a treia(o spun pe a doua la final)
The name of the first navigator who sailed around the world was-Fernando Magellan
When they started the voyage-September1519
Where they started the voyage-From Spain
How many ships finished the voyage-Only one
La a patra:
Who the second navigator around the world was-The english Francis Drake
When he started the voyage-In 1577
Where he strted the voyage from-From the south of England
How long he travelled to complete the voyage-For three years
La a doua:
Who Cristopher Columb was-An Italian navigator
When he lived-In the 15-th century
What he explored in his most important voyage-The central and south American
How many voyages he made-Four
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