
It was a very sunny day and the hare was very ho.There*s a tree.I can rest under it!*
A few hours later,the tortoise passed the sleeping hare...
Suddenly,the hare opened his eyes and looked around.He saw the tortoise at the Finish
The tortoise was the winner!the hare learnead his lesson that day:keep on going and don*t stop until you cross the Finish line!

Răspuns :

Era o zi insorita iar iepurelui ii era foarte cald. Uite un copac! Pot sa ma odihnesc sub el! Cateva ore mai tarziu, testoasa a trecut pe langa iepurele care dormea...
Deodata, iepurele deschise ochii si se uita in jur. Vazu testoasa la linia de sosire.
Testoasa castigase! Iepurele isi invata lectia in acea zi: mergi in continuare si nu te opri pana nu treci de linia de sosire!