
de tradus in lb romana: 1) The best day of the year was when I went to the funfair with Larry. 2) Later,we ate burgers and chips for dinner and the waiter gave us a free Coke! 3)In the evening,we stayed to watch the fireworks and we left the funfair at eight o'clock. It was a really special day! 4) We bought tickets for all the scary rides - the best one was the Monster House! Va rog sa ma ajutati. Multumesc.

Răspuns :

1) Cea mai buna zi din an a fost cand am mers la balci cu Larry.
2) Mai taziu, noi am mancat burgeri si cipsuri la cina si ospatarul ne-a dat o doza de cola pe gratis!
3) Seara, noi am stat sa privim artificiile si am plecat de la balci la ora 8. A fost o zi speciala!
4) Noi am cumparat bilete pentru toate tururile infricosatoare - cel mai bun a fost Casa Monstrilor!