
Work in pairs. Replace the underlined words in the sentences with one of the words below: disability, handicap crutch ability compassion and severe

a) In spite of her mental deficiencies, she manages to do a good job.
b) You feel pity when looking at people with physical disabilities.
c) After an accident he temporarily lost his walking capacity.
d) My cousin broke his leg; so he used a support when walking.
e) He has been suffering from a serious illness since his childhood

Răspuns :


Cerință - Trebuie să înlocuim cuvintele subliniate din enunțurile de mai jos cu unul dintre sinonimele date, astfel încât enunțurile să aibă sens.

Cuvintele care trebuie înlocuite sunt:

  • deficiencies
  • pity
  • capacity
  • support
  • serious

Rezolvarea exercițiului:

  1. In spite of her mental disability, she manages to do a good job.
  2. You feel compassion when looking at people with physical disabilities.
  3. After an accident he temporarily lost his walking ability.
  4. My cousin broke his leg, so he used a handicap crutch when walking.
  5. He has been suffering from a sever illness since his childhood.


  1. În ciuda dizabilității ei mentale, ea tot reușește să facă o treabă bună.
  2. Îți pare rău când te uiți la oameni care au un handicap fizic.
  3. După un accident, el și-a pierdut temporar abilitatea de a merge.
  4. Verișorul meu și-a rupt piciorul, așa că a folosit o cârjă când mergea.
  5. El suferă de o boală severă încă din copilărie.

- Lumberjack25