
Vă rog să mă ajutați .Îmi trebuie un eseu despre ocrotirea mediului împotriva poluării .
In eseu trebuie sa predomine frazele:
Recycling, acid rain, litter, noise, harmful gases, industrial waste, traffic jam, deforestation, rubbish, river, exhaust fumes, bicycle, forest, public transport, nasty chemicals, plants, rain forest, dripping water, greenhouse effect

Răspuns :

Protecting the environment  is everyone's responsibility. We should all keep he planet clean. We should not waste water and electricity. We should turn off the tap while brushing our teeth and not take very long showers as every bit of dripping water is precious. We shouldn't leave the lights on when we leave a room or leave the TV or the computer on when we don't use it. Recycling is very easy and it's a small effort on our parts to have a better future. We should take plastic, glass and paper leftovers to the recycling centres. We shouldn't drop our litter on the street.
People should try to take the public transport when travelling instead of their personal cars, as the exhaust fumes add to the greenhouse effect, and the noise level can be harmful to people. Also, the harmful gasses from cars and
factories can turn into acid rain which affect our forests.