
Va rog mult, mult de tot sa imi traduceti si mie textul acesta in engleza, e urgent si as fi recunoscatoare, cine reuseste promit ca il voi ajuta intotdeauna la matematica si fizica.
Intr- zi, in apropierea Craciunului un barbat se pregatea sa isi taie porcul pentru a-l manca. Dupa ce s-a uitat la porc, barbatul s-a dus pana in casa ca sa-si ia un cutit pentru a taia porcul insa uita usa custii deschisa. Tocmai cand voia sa iasa din casa barbatul a suferit un stop cardiac. Porcul se plimba prin curte si il observa pe barbat intins pe jos. Porcul a iesit din curte si de fiecare data cand vedea o masina ca trecea pe acolo se punea in fata ei. Dupa 20 de minute opreste un om care isi da seama ca ceva e inneregula, apoi observa barbatul cazut. Omul suna imediat la ambulanta care soseste in scurt timp si reuseste sa-i salveze viata barbatului. Dupa aceasta intamplare barbatul a invatat sa aprecieze mai mult animalele, si bineinteles nu a taiat porcul.

Răspuns :

One day, at Christmas a man was preparing to cut his pig to eat it. After he looked at the pig, the man went into the house to take a knife to cut the pig, but he forget the cage door open. Just when he wanted to leave the house the man suffered a heart attack. The pig was walking through the yard and it sees the man lying down. The pig came out of the yard and everytime it saw a car that was passing by it put in front of it. After 20 minutes a man stopped who realizes that something is wrong, then he sees the man fell. The man calls imediatly the ambulance who arrives soon and he manages to save man's life. After that the man learned to appreciate more animales and, of course, he didn't cut the pig.