
Imi puteti traduce in engleză urmatorul text : Pisica Pârlitu' Thomas. Parlitu Thomas este o pisica neagra care pe gat are o pata alba,are ochii verzi , coada lunga si este mic.El s-a nascut in luna iunie 2014 si are un an si 11 luni.Pe mama ei o cheama Stella , pe sora ei o cheama Caprioara , iar pe unchiul il cheama Martinel.Are o familie numeroasa si frumoasa.

Răspuns :

Pauper Thomas is a black cat who has a white stain on his neck ,he has green eyes, long tail and is little. He was born in june 2014 and now he has 1 year and 11 months years old. Hir mother its called Stella, his sister is called Caprioara , and  his uncle is called Martinel. He has a numerou and beautiful family.