
puneti urmatoarele propozitii an engleza la afirmativ interogativ si negativ :ce poarta ea?ocamasa alba si o fusta gri. de ce arunci mancarea?pentru ca nu e buna. dau o petrecere maine.vii si tu? din pacate nu pot.merg la varul meu.este ziua lui. ce faci maine?o vizitez pe matusa mea.e bolnava. ce ce plange copilul?ai este foame. de ce vorbesti asa?pentru ca sunt nervos.

Răspuns :

what is she wearing?
o white shirt and a grey skirt
why are you throwing away the food?
because it isn't good
i'm throwing a party tomorrow.are you coming too?
i'm afraid i can't,i'm going to my cousin.it's his birthday
what are you doing tomorrow? sau what will you do tomorrow?
i'm visiting my aunt,she's ill
why is the baby crying?
it's hungry  - cand e vorba de un bebelus si nu-i stii sexul se pune IT
wht are you talking in this way?
because i'm angry