
Traduceti aceste propozitii in engleza folosind WAS sau WHILE

Ea manca in timp ce fratele ei construia.
Noi beam in timp ce mama a sosit
Ea spala in timp ce a inceput sa ploua
Ele desenau in timp ce noi invatam
Mama gatea cand tata a intrat in casa
Copiii se jucau in timp ce ningea
Voi calatoreati in timp ce el conducea masina
Noi zburam in timp ce soarele stralucea

Răspuns :

She was eating while her brother was building 
We were drinking while her mother arrived.
She was washing while it started to rain
They were drawing while we were studying
My mother was cooking when my father came home 
The children were playing while it was snowing 
You were traveling while he was driving.
We were flying while the sun was *am uitat cuvantul lol*