
Puteti sa traduceti textul acesta am nevoie de el va rog!!!
Ma aflam singura acasa cintind o carte,cand am auzit un zgomot destul de puternic.Eram destul de speriata asa ca,mi-am luat inima in dinti si m-am indreptat spre usa de la iesire.Vazandu-ma afara am facut cativa pasi spre locul unde am auzit zgomotul.Cu cat mai apropiam mai mult cu atat nu mai vedeam nimic.Doar vantul adia usor si misca crengile copacilor batrani.Sutele de stele doar straluceau in jurul lunii aurii.Am mers spre locul in care credeam ca o sa gasesc explicatia zgomotului.Pana sa ajuns acolo fiecare pas imi era tot mai greu de facut.Intunericul si linistea de afara ma faceau sa-mi fie frica…printre crengile copacilor batrani se vedea doar lumina lunii si a stelelor care parca se inghesuiau pe cer.Treceam prin iarba uda si rece si mai aveam putin…latratul cainilor imi dadea fiori dar contiunuam sa pasesc inainte…
Luna lumina tot mai puternic si cu cat mi se parea mai frig cu atat auzeam mai multe sunete.Am ajuns in dreptul copacului misterios de unde am auzit asa-zisul zgomot si m-am uitat in spate,mi se parea ca este cineva…si atunci m-a trezit mama sa plec la scoala,iar misterul din noapte e inca intiparit vag in mintea mea.

Răspuns :

I was alone at home,reading a book when I heard a loud noise.I was quite scared so I gathered all my courage and I went to the exit door.When I got outside I took a few steps towards the noise.The closer I got the less I could see.The wind was mildly blowing,moving the branches of the old trees.Hundreads of stars were shining around the golden moon.I went towards the place I thought I could find the source of the noise.As I got closer,every step was harder to take.The quiet and the darkness of the outside were making me anxious...between the branches of the old trees you could only see the light of the moon and the stars that crowded the sky.I was passing through the wet cold grass and I had a little left to go...the barking of the dogs was giving me chills,but I continued going...
The moon was shining and the colder I got the lowder the sound seemed to me.I arrived next to the misterious tree from which I Heard the so called noise and I looked behind me,it seemed to me like there was somebody there ...and then my mom woke me up to go to School and the mistery of the night is still there in my mind.