a fost răspuns

peter a venit de la scoala la ora doua si de atunci a vorbit la telefon
niciunul dintre prietenii nostrii nu a auzit vro data de un lucru atat de ciudat
Anul trecut ai vizitat Londra iar anul acesta ai vizitat Parisul
Mary nu nea telefonat de cand a plecat din orasul nostru
am aflat multe lucruri interesante despre acest actor in ultima vreme
varul meu a locuit in Canada timp de opt ani apoi sa mutat in Argentina

Răspuns :

Peter came home from school at two o'clock and then spoke on the phone none of our friends did not hear a thing on a so weird You visited London last year and this year have visited Paris Mary nea not called since he left our town I learned many interesting things about this actor lately My cousin lived in Canada for eight years and then moved to Argentina