
Traduceti-mi si mie textul acesta:

Henry wanted to divorce Catherine and marry somebody esle because he longed for a son, an heir to the throne of England. As England was a Catholic ccountry, he needed the consent of the Pope in Rome. But th Pope did not agree to Henry's divorce and this made him very angry.The king decided to make himself head of the Church of England and as soon as this happened he was free to divorce Catherine.Soon, Henry married a young girl with black eyes and long, flowing hair. Her name was Anne Boleyn. She gave him a baby, but again it was a daughter, Elizabeth.

Răspuns :

Henry dorea sa divorteze de Ecaterina si sa se casatoreasca cu altcineva, fiindca el dorea un fiu, mostenitor al tronului Angliei. Cum Anglia era o tara catolica, el avea nevoie de consemtamantul Papei din Roma. Insa Papa nu a fost de acord cu divortul lui Henry ceea ce l-a facut foarte furios.Regele s-a decis sa se faca capul Bisericii Engleze si cu cat mai repede se intampla asta el era liber sa divorteze de Ecaterina.Curand, Henry s-a casatorit cu o fata tanara cu ochii negri si par lung curgator.Numele ei era Anne Boleyn. Ea i-a daruit un copil,dar din nou a fost fiica,Elizabeth.