
Traduceti-mi si mie, va rog !
Intriga acestei tragedii o constituie intalnirea Julietei cu Romeo. La inceput cei doi nu isi cunosc identitatea , nestiind ca apartin celor doua familii vrasmase din Verona. Ca dovada a puternicelor sentimente putem observa ca cei doi trec cu usurinta peste obstacolul social si peste ura crancena ce era prezenta intre familiile lor timp de mai multi ani.

Răspuns :

The plot of this tragedy is Juliet's meeting with Romeo. At the begining the two of them didn't know their identity, not knowing that they belong to two aliens families. As a proof of their powerful feelings we can notice that the two of them are passing easily through social obstacle and through fierce hatred which was presented between their families for many years.