
Traduceti in engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
1. Cand era tanara,vecina mea cumpara revista ei preferata si apoi bea o cafea la restaurantul din coltul strazii.
2. El a predat la aceasta scoala foarte multi ani inainte sa plece in Danemarca.
3. El scria un roman de dragoste in timp ce ea incerca sa ii dea numai idei bune.
4. El de-abia a ajuns acasa si a inceput deja sa se joace pe TV.
5. Ea chiar nu intelege nimic niciodata.
6. Ale cui sunt toate aceste jucarii lasate in sufrageria vecinului?
7. De ce nu poti decide niciodata pentru nimeni?

Răspuns :

1.When she was young, my neighbour used to buy her favourite magasine and drink a coffee at the restaurant from the corner of the street.
2.He used to teach at this school many years before he went to Denmark.
3.He used to write a romance novel while she was trying to help him with only good ideas.
4.He just got home and he already started to play on TV.
5.She doesn't really understand anything ever.
6.Whose are all these toys left in the neighbour's livingroom?
7.Why can't someone make a decision on behalf of someone else?