
Traduceti varog frumos doar ca fara google translate varog mult.))

a) Only the sons of nobles attended the first Egyptian schools, which taught reading, physical education and good benaviour.

b. In China, until the 19th century, education was or- ganized according to social classes, and consisted largely of learning the scriptures by heart.

c.In ancient India the liberal caste decided what should be taught to each of the four castes, or groups, into which people were divided. Only the priestly caste was allowed to learn the scriptures.

Răspuns :

a) Numai fiii nobililor mergeau la primele scoli egiptene, la care se invata cititul, educatia fizica si comportamentul bun.

b) In China, pana in secolul al 19-lea, educatia era organizata in functia claselor sociale, si consista in mare in invatarea scripturilor pe de rost.

c) In India antica, clasa sociala liberala secideau ce trebuie sa invete cele 4 clase sociale, sau grupuri, in care oamenii erau impartiti. Numai clasa sociala preoteasca avea voie sa invete scripturile.