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The Athenians were building what we call a common education – one that helps a man develop all the sides of his nature, helps him to make and appreciate beautiful things and helps him to find the best way of life. They thought it important to educate the body as well as the mind and hada a program of physical training which consisted of running, jumping, wrestling and throwing the discus. As time went on, education paid special attention to read- ing, writing and literature and these were taught by a special teacher, known as the “dramatist”. priestly people were not edu- cated: they were trained in craftsmanship, workmanship, and trades.

Răspuns :

Locuitorii Atenei dezvoltau ceea ce numim acum o educatie de baza - una care ajuta un om sa se dezvolte in toate directiile naturii sale, il ajuta sa faca si sa aprecieze lucrurile frumoase si il ajuta sa-si gaseaca cel mai bun drum in viata. Considerau important de asemenea sa educe si corpul, nu doar mintea si aveau un program de educatie fizica care conta in: alergari, sarituri, wrestling(lupte libere) si aruncarea discului. Cu trecerea timpului, educatia a inceput sa se indrepte catre citit, scris si literatura si acestea erau predate de catre un profesor special, cunoscut sub denumirea de dramaturg. Preotii nu erau educati, ei erau invatati sa faca produse de manufactura, maiestrie si meserii