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The big bang model is a broadly accepted scientific theory for the origin and evolution of uor universe.According to this theory the universe was created about 10 billion years ago from a cosmic explosion that hurled matter in all directions.Astronomers believe that once all the matter and energy in the universe were concentrated in a single place.This place was extremely hot and dense.Then,sometime between 10 billion and 20billion years ago,an enormous and powerful explosion -The big bang -shot the concentrated matter and nergy in all directions.After the initial big bang,the force of gravity began to affect the matter racing outward in every direction,Gravity caused some of the matter to come together to form galaxies and Stars.The clumps of matter around our own star,the sun,became planets.some planets were large enough and had enough gravity to attract matter that became moons or satellites.In 1927,the Belgian priest george Lemantre was the first to assume that the universe began with the explosion began with the explosion of a primeavl atom.Years later,edwin Hublble found experimental evidence that helped to justify Lemantres theory.He made observations and stated thath distant galaxies are going away from us in every direction at a speed proportional to heir distance from the centre of te universe.Since the big bang the universe has been continuously expanding and thus the distance between clusters of galaxies has become much bigger than it was before .This phenomenon is known as the red shift.The stars galaxies were much closer to each other in the past than they are at present and they are corrently moving rapidly away from each other.At the same time the matter inside the galaxies continues to race away from the area where the big bang had occurred.Thus it has been stated that at present all the galaxies are speeding away from the centre of the universe.The big bang theory also predicts the existence of cosmic background radiation(the glow left after the explosion itself).In 1964 this radiation was discovered by arno penzias and robert wilson who later won the nobel prize for this discovery .Although the big bang theory has been widely accepted it will probably never be proved and thus it leaves a number of tough unanswered questions.

Răspuns :

Modelul Big Bang este o teorie stiintifica larg acceptata, referitoare la originea si evolutia universului nostru. Conform acestei teorii, universul a fost creat in urma cu aproximativ 10 miliarde de ani ca urmare a unei explozii cosmice care a imprastia materia in toate directiile. Astronomii cred ca odata toata materia si energia erau concentrate intr-un singur loc. Acest loc era extrem de fierbinte si de dens. Apoi, undeva intre 10 si 20 de miliarde de ani in urma, o explozie enorma si puternica – Big Bang – a azvarlit materia concentrata si energia in toate directiile. Dupa bubuitura initiala, forta gravitationala incepu sa afecteze materia care se imprastia in toate directiile. Gravitatia a facut ca o parte din materie sa se adune si sa formeze galaxiile si astrele. Bucatile de materie din jurul astrului nostru, soarele, devenira planete. Unele planete erau sufficient de mari si aveau destula gravitatie pentru a atrage materie care s-a transformat in luni sau sateliti. In 1927, preotul belgian Lemantre a fost primul care a presupus ca universal a inceput cu explozia unui atom primar. Ani mai tarziu Edwin Hubble a gasit dovezi experimentale care au ajutat la demonstrarea teoriei lui Lemantre. A facut observatii si a afirmat ca galaxiile indepartate se departeaza de noi in toate directiile cu o viteza proportionala cu distanta lor de centrul universului. De la Big Bang, universul a fost intr-o continua expansiune si astfel distanta dintre grupurile de galaxii a devenit mai mare decat fusese inainte. Acest fenomen e cunoscut ca “deplasarea spre rosu”. Galaxiile stelare au fost mult mai apropiate unele de altele in trecut decat sunt in prezent, si ele se indeparteaza cu rapiditate unele de altele. In acelasi timp, materia din interiorul galaxiilor continua sa se indeparteze de zona unde s-a produs Big Bang-ul (marea bubuiala). Astfel, s-a afirmat ca in prezent toate galaxiile se indeparteaza de centrul universului. Teoria Big Bang prevede, de asemenea, si existenta unei radiatii cosmice de fond (lumina ramasa dupa explozia insasi). In 1964 aceasta radiatie a fost descoperita de Arno Penzias si Robert Wilson, care au castigat ulterior Premiul Nobel pentru descoperirea lor. Desi teoria Big Bang a fost acceptata in mare masura, ea nu va putea fi niciodata dovedita si astfel multe intrebari au ramas fara raspuns.