
Traduceti in engleza:
Numele meu este Claudiu.Am 15 ani.Imi place sa citesc, sa merg in excursii cu prietenii mei, sa pictez, sa stau pana la 3 dimineata pe telefon, sa fac lucruri noi, sa imi fac temele la timp si asa mai departe.Ador limba franceza, geografia si limba romana, dar asta nu inseamna ca nu imi place engleza, in ciuda faptului ca am ramas la nivelul de incepator, motiv pentru care vreau sa progresez mai mult.

Răspuns :

My name is Claudiu.I like to read,got to trips with my friends,to draw,to stay with the phone till 3:00 AM in the morning,to make new things,to make my homeworks in time and more.I love French,Geography,And Romanian
but this doesn't means that i dont like english,the reason that i am still at level of begginer,fact that i want to progress more.
Sper Ca Te-am Ajutat
My name is Claudiu. I am 15 years old. I like reading, going in trips with my friends, painting, staying on the phone until 3 a., doing new things, writing my piece of homework and so on. I love French, geography and Romanian, but this doesn”t mean I don”t like English, even if I am a beginner and I want to make progresses.