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Passenger flying developed after World War 1. During the 1920s, passengers flew aboard mail planes, but by the late 1930s, flying was much more luxurious. Jets were.
mainly developed after World War 2. The first jet airliner entered service in 1952. The Boeing 747'jumbo jet' was the first of the wide-bodied jets Jet plane manufacturers have been improving their machines constantly; the latest versions can carry over 600 passengers and fly a third of the way round the worl. Ron-stop. Today, nearly all long-distance international travel is by jet.
The wealthy can travel on Concorde the first supersonic airliner. Concorde has been carrying people around the world since its launch in 1969. It can carry up to 144 passengers at twice the speed of sound and can cross the Atlantic in three hours Now that air travel is a common experience, man has turned his attention to the conquest of space. It isn't yet possible for you or me to travel into space for a holiday but you can be sure that someone somewhere, is working to make this possible, perhaps during our lifetime

Răspuns :

Zborul pasagerilor a fost dezvoltat dupa Primul Razboi Mondial. Pe parcursul anilor '20, pasagerii au zburat la bordul avioanelor de corespondenta,dar pe la sfarsitul anilor '30 , zburatul a fost mult mai luxos. Avinoanele turboreactoare au fost in mare parte dezvoltate dupa Al Doilea Razboi Mondial. Primul avion turboreactor de pasageri a fost introdus in 1952. The Boeing 747 'avinonul monstru turboreactor' a fost primul avion cu reactie. Producatorii de avione turboreactoare si-au imbunatatit masinile continuu; cele mai recente versiuni pot cara peste 600 de pasageri si zbura o treime din inconjurul lumii. Astazi, aproape toate calatoriile de distantele lungi internationale sunt cu reactie. Bogatasii pot calatorii cu Concorde -primul avion de pasageri supersonic. Concorde transporta oameni din toata lumea inca din lansarea sa in 1969. Poate transporta pana la 144 pasageri la de doua ori viteza sunetului si poate traversa Atlanticul in 3 ore. Acum ca , calatoria in aer este o experienta comuna, omul si-a indreptat atentia spre cucerirea spatiului. Nu este inca posibil pentru mine sau pentru tine sa calatoresti in spatiu pentru o vacanta dar poti fi sigur ca cineva undeva , lucreaza sa o faca posibila, poate pe parcursul duratei de viata.