
Puteti sa ma ajutati , vreau o scurta compunere in engleza . In text sa fie vorba despre cum am fost rapita de extraterestri + tradusa in romana

Răspuns :

I suddenly woke up in a strange place, I couldn't see a thing there, it was absolutely dark. For a second, I thought I was dreaming, but then I tried to pinch myself and nothing happened. A few seconds after that, I heard a strange voice from the right corner, and then, another one from the other side. After that, the place was lighted up, and I managed to look around. In front of me was a big window, and I could see planet Earth through it, then, I realized I was on a spaceship and the voices I heard were aliens, talking about what to do with me. Then I fell asleep and I woke up again in the middle of the field, surrounded by cows.

Dintr-o data m-am trezit intr-un loc foarte ciudat, nu puteam vedea nimic in jur, era bezna totala. Pentru o secunda, am crezut ca visez, dar am incercat sa ma ciupesc si nimic nu s-a intamplat. Dupa cateva secunde, am auzit o voce ciudata din partea dreapta, iar apoi, o alta din cealalta parte. Dupa aceea, toate luminile s-au aprins, iar camera s-a luminat si am reusit sa ma uit in preajma mea. In fata mea, era o fereasta mare prin care am putut sa vad pamantul, atunci, am realizat ca ma aflu pe o nava spatiala, iar vocile pe care le-am auzit erau extraterestrii care vorbeau despre ce urmau sa imi faca. Apoi, am adormit iar si m-am trezit in mijlocul campului inconjurat de vaci.