
Comentati urmatoarele afirmatii, in engleza bineinteles:
lend your money and lose your friend.
a four-legged friend, a four-legged friend, he'll never let you down.
oh, i get by with a little help from my friend.
whenever a friend succeeds, little something in me dies.
if a man does not make new friend as he advances through life, he will soon find himself left alone.
Sau macar 1-2

Răspuns :

la prima ar fi ceva de genul prieten pe bani adica sti la ce ma refer 
 friend which is a gold digger
la a doua este versul unei melodii scrise de Jimmy Wakely si vrea sa spuna ca un prieten normal cu 4 membre nu te va parasi niciodata. A human with all the body parts doesn;t let you down (nu sunt sigur)
la a treia inseamna ca intelege cu putin ajutor. I understand with a little bit of help
la a patra presupun ca se refera la ciuda pe altii. When someoane wins i am mad.(nu sunt sigur)
la ultima inseamna ca nu are rost sa te izolezi si ca e bine sa iti faci prieteni. You dont need to stay in home, go outside and make some friends