
eseu pls dau coroana 12 enunturi am nevoie

 how you plan your dinly shudle? 

Răspuns :

My daily schedule  Morning I wake up at six and a half. I prepare my breakfast after eating. Then I brush my teeth, get dressed and off to school at seven and a half eet. After graduating at 14, went to the house. When I get home, I eat lunch. Then I rest an hour. Then getting down to fear. I go to sleep at 21 o'clock

       Programul meu zilnic  Dimineata ma trezesc la ora sase si jumatate. Imi pregatesc micul dejun, dupa mananc. Apoi ma spal pe dinti , ma imbrac si pornesc spre scoala la ota sapte si jumatate.  Dupa ce termin cursurile la ora  14 , pornesc spre casa.  Cand ajung acasa, mananc pranzul. Dupa aceea ma odihnesc o ora. Apoi ma apuc de teme. Eu ma culc la ora 21